Thursday, January 10, 2019

Lab 5 - Switches and Relays


This lab is a nice overview on possible switches available configurations. Poles and throws were covered. Hook ups of 2 way switches was covered simply by following the wiring schematic. Relays were covered in which essentially a low power source activates a coil/solenoid, in which that will close contacts to a seperate circuit( typically a high powered circuit). This device is useful especially for controlling a high powered circuit with a low powered signal. Relay oscillator was studied and learned. It was quite amazing to hear a switch go on/off 50 times each second! That was a recipe for device destruction though. Safety precautions were observed.
Relay oscillator
Relay oscillator with a capacitor

It is worth noting that thanks to the capacitors charge/discharge characteristics, it was so much easier to see the LEDs blinking as now a time delay (or charge constant) was introduced to the circuit.

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