Sunday, January 27, 2019

Lab 11 - Microcontrollers, Input and Output


Microcontrollers: has an output depending on what input is received and what the command program tells the controller on what to do. A controller can receive an output such as a switch or varying resistance, in which the program will read and interpret that data. The program will then set an output (again, depending on the programming) which will produce a desired result. In this first part, we are utilizing an LDR to get a output of a number value that is representing on the amount of light in the room. That number, varying degree of light/darkness, will then be read in the controller in which  the program will turn on a certain amount of LEDs. Those LEDs are serving as light intensity indicators.
LED OFF cuz it is bright at sensor
LED ON cuz its dark at sensor

The picture below shows multiple LEDs. Varying darkness changes which and how many LEDs gets lit. Sadly the video could not fit here.

Motion Sensor
Thankfully a motion sensor was able to be installed and it operated perfectly. It outputs a +5V signal when motion is detected. All in the programming of the arduino.

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