Thursday, January 10, 2019

Lab 1 - Intro to Soldering and Building Power Supply


Hello Fellow Blogger Reader(s)!

This is my first Blog. I will be blogging in my Mt Sac Class journey of ELEC 10 Intro to Mechatronics class that will be consisting of 17 Labs.

This lab is for soldering, which I skipped. I have many soldering practices before, and took the Soldering Class with professor Joe Denny, best professor ever! Got a pass to skip that lab due to soldering competence. Power Supply creation is a phone charger to be soldered to a wired end. That will be our 5V power supply. Since there are many in the class, they were just distributed out since soldering was skipped in lab.

Picture on Left: Soldering is easy handout in easy steps #Skip
Picture on Right: Pre-made power supply from a 5V phone charger

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