Thursday, January 10, 2019

Lab 3 - Using a Multimeter


Lab 3 is going to be mixed a bit. I used both meters, one from the campus supply, and the other is my personal one. I like using my personal one because it doesn't have any annoying beeps and auto-shut-off noises. The plus side of the one from school is that it is auto-ranging. yay for that aspect. Meter basics of measuring voltage and current, along with continuity and the conditions was explored in this lab. Normal routine meter exercises was done in this lab from measuring DC voltage to AC voltage. Assisted student in understanding the meter and the correct probe position and selection slots.

I really liked this lab because I got exposed to the operation and characteristics of LDR (Light Dependant Resistor), Pressure Dependent Resistor, and a Thermistor (Temperature Dependent Resistor). These sensors will come in handy for robotics later (soon actually) in the semester. Quite useful to see its varying characteristics in action.

Pic above: Measuring a Size C 1.5V DC battery

Pic above: Measuring a 9V DC battery

Pic above: Measuring the 120VAC outlet with an odd number

Pic above: Measuring the 120VAC outlet with the correct value (glitch disappeared)

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