Sunday, February 10, 2019

Lab 15 - Building Square Bot and doing the Electrical Tape Maze with and without encoders

2/5/2019 & 2/7/2019

Mega bot building time! The day has come in which we will build a robot. The Robot is going to be a square on shape and it is going to go through a maze that was laid out with electrical tape. We have all the parts either in the box or in the parts room. We are basically following the manual to build the robot, but with the encoders installed in place. We are not going to use them in the first trip but we are going t use them on the second trip using the programming; just so we do not have to dismantle the bot just to install the encoders.

Bot Building Station
We worked on a side project utilizing the biggest wheels, but turning ability was terrible, so we stayed with the tiny wheels for maneuverability. 
Mega Test Bot
Due to programming constraints to one user at a time, I would periodically assist with the programming part when needed, until then I was on mechanical duty. I built the bot for the future labs too. The bot is equipped with an easy elevated carry handle so the robot can be transported easily without having to constantly be bending down to retrieve the bot or to reposition it. The bot is also rigged with some fans for blowing out a future flame, a sonar sensor upfront for the future IR detection part, and racks for video recording modularity.

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